Crying today
I love your body. I love how you feel inside me. I love your lips! I love how our bodies make love, screw, fuck, have mind blowing sex… It is always so exciting, wonderful, explosive, emotional, and relieving!Continue Reading
I love your body. I love how you feel inside me. I love your lips! I love how our bodies make love, screw, fuck, have mind blowing sex… It is always so exciting, wonderful, explosive, emotional, and relieving!Continue Reading
The day was emotional, long, full of heart filled conversation. Today was the closest I have ever felt to a happy and healthy family of my own and now I cannot sleep. It was a wonderful night and you are always amazing with my kids. Dinner at the table asContinue Reading
To start I bleached my kitchen completely. Then I bleached the dining room. Then I cleaned the floors by hand with bleach. Then got cleaned up and got in bed ALONE! Am I really so unwanted or unlovable? I refuse to drown my sad lonely feelings in random meaningless sexContinue Reading
I have been a wife and mother most of my life. I have never had a time when I wasn’t raising kids or taking care of a full household like a wife. This is the first time I am really NOT a wife and it feels virtually impossible to turnContinue Reading
Several years ago when I was feeling really bad about myself I met a guy who was really easy to have sex with and nothing else. No relationship, no chatting, nothing more than crazy rough semi-abusive sex and poof he would be gone. I wouldn’t need to do any ofContinue Reading
Why am I not single? I just don’t understand why not just be single because I spend 65% of my time alone and almost every night of the week in bed alone so why am I dating Leo? I get so lonely at night and it is really hard toContinue Reading
I am a very verbal person and I don’t pull any punches about that fact. I need that verbal connection and I need it regularly. I honestly tell everyone that the more I feel unable to communicate with a person the more out of the relationship I will be. LeoContinue Reading
Last night we decided to take all of the kids to a drive-in movie at Vintage Drive-in. They were showing Lion King and Aladdin. The night was off to a bit of a rocky start as Leo’s son was not happy about eating the pulled chicken I made for everyoneContinue Reading
Black and white: I think of relationships like this… If a couple loves each other -> I love you, think you love me. If a couple can agree on the fundamentals (not in order of importance): Lifestyle (Housing, cleanliness, personal hygiene, etc) Children (parenting styles, discipline, priorities, etc) Future (goalsContinue Reading
So Leo and I have been dating almost 6 months now… We have had a ton of great laughs, great sex, fun family times, and amazingly long depthful talks. It has been a wonderful time BUT in every relationship progress needs to happen, “real” discussions need to occur, bare transparencyContinue Reading
I have never been a bullshiter. I am very good at saying what I need and want from the people around me. With that in mind if I say I need communication, regular kisses, regular sex, 2+ nights a week sleeping together… I will give clarification if needed but thenContinue Reading
After 1 minute that lasted 8+ hours Leo calls me and while I am agitated at things from my day it didn’t help that you got upset at every word I said! Then I was an asshole and abruptly got off the phone: Okay have a good night, phone hangup!Continue Reading
Every time I feel like we are making progress he does something so clearly to make me feel like no progress has been made. Perfect example: Several nights in a row he has called, and showed up… He even surprised me with dinner the one night. Both nights he fellContinue Reading
Am I predictable or what? A guy I had a relationship with contacts me… Are you dating someone? Yes I am. Would you see me either way? If I run into you I would see you but not screw you! You sure you could resist me? Yepper. I miss kissingContinue Reading
Woke up with Leo in bed next to me… and wanting to have sex. I am always up for some sex but this morning really felt like a: he needed to finish and not go to work loaded… Whatever, we had sex a little bit and then he finished alone…Continue Reading
It has been a straining several days and I wasn’t looking forward to the awkward drive from my house to the lake 50 minutes away with Leo and the kids. Leo has been avoiding relationship discussions for weeks now and as we are at the 6 month period I feltContinue Reading
From around 2001-2002 Sometimes I am hurting because I still can’t understand why exactly you did all of the things that you have done. I know at this point I will never look at you as the man that I thought I once knew. After all of the stuff andContinue Reading
Written around 1999-2001 Now, to start I would like to tell you all a little story that happened to me a long time ago! It all started one night while I was laying in bed with my husband after a long day of arguing. It all started when we gotContinue Reading
Written around 1997-1999 Now, to start I want to tell you that the page this is linked to was the beginning of a great learning experience! I have read that page so many times with a great deal of tears until I talked to someone that really made me think.Continue Reading
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