Unpacking a lot still today! I am frustrated that Leon is doing all of the driving as if I am the puppy in the passenger seat. I am so hating being driven around by anyone! Someone driving me gives me nightmares about being trapped, being a hostage, and just causes a lot of emotion from 20+ years ago to be brought to the surface!
I know most do not understand this but when I was young and married to my 1st husband he would drive us places and then get mad at me for something and ditch me where ever we were at the time! I would be stuck in places with no way to call for help or pay for help! I would just be in the middle of where he decided to leave me in a panicked state! The trauma response that happens when someone is driving me around is pretty significant.
I will just try however to be an excellent little passenger! Keep my mouth shut. I will not do to him what he does to me when I am driving! The freaking out, screaming at people or about people, slamming his foot like he is trying to use the brakes, or flailing his arms like we are about to hit something.
(I will also note that I have never hit anything in the past 5 years! – he is just a freakout dude about driving!)
Onto tomorrow. He is going back to work so maybe I will do some things I want to do while he is gone… Maybe go adventuring with the kids and see what things are around for us to visit.