To start I bleached my kitchen completely. Then I bleached the dining room. Then I cleaned the floors by hand with bleach. Then got cleaned up and got in bed ALONE! Am I really so unwanted or unlovable? I refuse to drown my sad lonely feelings in random meaningless sexContinue Reading

I have been a wife and mother most of my life. I have never had a time when I wasn’t raising kids or taking care of a full household like a wife. This is the first time I am really NOT a wife and it feels virtually impossible to turnContinue Reading

Several years ago when I was feeling really bad about myself I met a guy who was really easy to have sex with and nothing else. No relationship, no chatting, nothing more than crazy rough semi-abusive sex and poof he would be gone. I wouldn’t need to do any ofContinue Reading

Why am I not single? I just don’t understand why not just be single because I spend 65% of my time alone and almost every night of the week in bed alone so why am I dating Leo? I get so lonely at night and it is really hard toContinue Reading

I am a very verbal person and I don’t pull any punches about that fact. I need that verbal connection and I need it regularly. I honestly tell everyone that the more I feel unable to communicate with a person the more out of the relationship I will be. LeoContinue Reading

Last night we decided to take all of the kids to a drive-in movie at Vintage Drive-in. They were showing Lion King and Aladdin. The night was off to a bit of a rocky start as Leo’s son was not happy about eating the pulled chicken I made for everyoneContinue Reading

Black and white: I think of relationships like this… If a couple loves each other  ->   I love you, think you love me. If a couple can agree on the fundamentals (not in order of importance): Lifestyle (Housing, cleanliness, personal hygiene, etc) Children (parenting styles, discipline, priorities, etc) Future (goalsContinue Reading

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Today started out late again because we both slept in but we didn’t sleep in as late as yesterday! We were up and out by 10 am and walking around the Rockefeller Center area near our hotel. We took a few pictures and made a plan for what we wantedContinue Reading

Today we woke up late and found a beautiful day in front of us! Our hotel have an awesome feature: Walk out the door right into Rockefeller Center! We didn’t know at the time how wonderful that would start out our mornings. Around 10 am we walked out of ourContinue Reading

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ 256 GB in black This morning I put in my pre-order for the Note 10+ at the total cost of $1099.99. I have done a significant amount of research on the different versions of the Note 10 and decided to go with the Note 10+ andContinue Reading

We arrived this morning around 4:30 am and decided to take a little time driving around the city and get our bearings. The city at 5 am is a very different place from any other town/city you will ever visit! Our first planned fun for our day was to goContinue Reading

Well, it has always been my dream to live in NYC but in all of my trips there I have never done any of the touristy things… I am now leaving for a NYC trip of my dreams. Leo and I are planning several things that are on my bucketContinue Reading

So Leo and I have been dating almost 6 months now… We have had a ton of great laughs, great sex, fun family times, and amazingly long depthful talks. It has been a wonderful time BUT in every relationship progress needs to happen, “real” discussions need to occur, bare transparencyContinue Reading

I have never been a bullshiter. I am very good at saying what I need and want from the people around me. With that in mind if I say I need communication, regular kisses, regular sex, 2+ nights a week sleeping together… I will give clarification if needed but thenContinue Reading

After 1 minute that lasted 8+ hours Leo calls me and while I am agitated at things from my day it didn’t help that you got upset at every word I said! Then I was an asshole and abruptly got off the phone: Okay have a good night, phone hangup!Continue Reading

Every time I feel like we are making progress he does something so clearly to make me feel like no progress has been made. Perfect example: Several nights in a row he has called, and showed up… He even surprised me with dinner the one night. Both nights he fellContinue Reading

Flat Johnny has already been having fun! He is playing in flowers, test driving vehicles, meeting new coworkers, making business calls and more… And RL Johnny is laughing at all the selfie texts he has been getting from his flat!#FlatJohnny2019#FlatKidsAdventure2019Continue Reading