Ever wondered why the streets seemed more safe when we were kids? Do you remember when only like 3 stations existed on TV? Is there ever really anything worth watching on TV? Do you think technology has helped out society more than hurt it? Did curiosity really kill the cat?Continue Reading

As Friday came to an end I had blocked Natalie, my biological mom, and her daughters on FB to stop the mamma drama that had started because I wished Natalie a Happy Birthday. The kids, Leo, and myself had a wonderful weekend and last night was coming to an end.Continue Reading

Tomorrow is set to be a wonderful yet busy day so I wanted to post this today:January, 6 years ago, I was extremely sick. I had my cousins Nino and Jesselee over with all the family for homemade manicotti and a family day! I was so very ill. Everyone wasContinue Reading

For starters lets discuss the back story… My biological Mom is Natalie. She didn’t graduate high school and didn’t finish the 11th grade. She was addicted to drugs and started using around 12-13 but possibly earlier from how our few conversations made it sound. She had me in 1978 theContinue Reading

It was a great night of course, yet again… Then all of us, including Leo, went to my house and bedtime ritual! Leo got in my bed and I was pleasantly surprised thinking WOW does he actually like it here? Oh but wait let me backtrack to earlier in theContinue Reading

Well whatever the kids have been sick with has hit me! I have now spent ALL day long basically in bed sick to my stomach. Everything is achy, my tummy is hurty, my head is exploding, my fanny is sick! I need to feel better please!!!Continue Reading

Tonight Leo took me to his family dinner. His father puts on a large family dinner for his brother’s wedding anniversary every year. He picked me up and we went to Nick’s Seabreeze in Rochester, NY. It was a great evening of family fun and the food was pretty spectacular.Continue Reading

Today was NOT the normal day for the kids… Ever since visitation has started with my ex they have gone crazy. Today was an extended version of the craziness. Everything is all over because of long drawn out tantrums, my car is wrecked from tantrums, I feel significantly wrecked todayContinue Reading

I love your body. I love how you feel inside me. I love your lips! I love how our bodies make love, screw, fuck, have mind blowing sex… It is always so exciting, wonderful, explosive, emotional, and relieving!Continue Reading

The day was emotional, long, full of heart filled conversation. Today was the closest I have ever felt to a happy and healthy family of my own and now I cannot sleep. It was a wonderful night and you are always amazing with my kids. Dinner at the table asContinue Reading