Weird night left me feeling like I am a total piece of ass…

Tonight was a good night until Leo went to come upstairs to my room… he said I can’t really stay long but I figured I would come up for a while (wink wink) and I looked at him and said then you should really just leave now. He was angry with me. He wouldn’t even really kiss me and hardly said anything to me. WOW

Leo left and I felt a bit strange when I went to bed! The funny thing is that I was actually happy with my choice. I thought to myself that it would feel really crappy if he came up and had sex with me only to finish and leave!

Oh and note: of course marriage came up in conversation again at dinner and he always makes comments about it that his last night would sound nice on me. Ummmm okay?!? Dude can’t even stay here several nights in a row and he implies that he would someday marry who? Not me!!! I am not a half in girl. I never have been a half in girl and never would be a half in girl!

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