Third Eye Blind, Jimmy Eat World, and Ra Ra Riot were the artists playing! I was mostly excited to see Jimmy Eat World because the song I dedicate to my Ma is by them. Jimmy Eat World – Hear You Me

Well Leo was late arriving at my house but that really isn’t anything new. He got in the car and we immediately left. We really didn’t speak at all on the way there except for him to say he needed to get to an ATM. We stopped at an ATM and he had me take out money for our concert adventure. We said a few words to each other and then continued not speaking. As we started in the line to park he was making comments about his frustration having not brought his “big boy” folding chair. I told him I had a few chairs and it would be fine. He continued to be a bit stuck on the chair topic which made me feel like I screwed up his night because of the lack of communication about chairs.

We then started walking in and he was carrying one chair and I was carrying my own. He offered to carry mine but I was a bit upset with everything and feeling like a screw-up so I was insistent about carrying my own chair.

He ended up carrying my chair once we passed security and we were in the CMAC stadium. We picked a spot and setup our chairs. At no point did we ever seem like a couple… No kisses, no touching, no nothing that would make anyone think we were “together” and when I made a comment he didn’t change how he was physically treating me.

He got us some snacks, drinks, candy… It was a good night and the weather was amazing. I never got a kiss or anything until we were having sex later. We got to my house and of course it was destroyed. He did a lot to help get things cleaned up. Then my 5 year old daughter wet the bed and he helped me get that cleaned up and get her back to bed. Then we had some sex and fell asleep. During sex he kissed me once and of course he didn’t finish. He never does with me so I am assuming with everything else it is an “us” thing…

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