Daughter like father…
exactly how he acted in our marriage… Threatening me, screaming at me, throwing things at me, needling at me…Continue Reading
exactly how he acted in our marriage… Threatening me, screaming at me, throwing things at me, needling at me…Continue Reading
7 minutes down the road and get a phone call from him and he is hyperventilating. He is screaming and so upset it is distressingContinue Reading
The other day we all went to the ice cream place for family ice cream. It was Leon, the four kids, and Leon’s Aunt and parents. The night was going well until Elyjah (Leon’s son) started behaving in a way that was a bit childish. He was digging in theContinue Reading
I know people who actually emotionally hurt me just by how they obsess over things on Facebook. I know that is a strange thing to say but how they react to things on Facebook causes me distress! For example, I know this guy who is in his late 40s, heContinue Reading
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